About Sublime Flavors
Sublime Flavors is all about Indulgence, A deliciously healthy plant based culinary indulgence. It is here for you to find and indulge in a collection of the finest, healthiest and the most flavourful of lip-smacking recipes, hand picked from different cuisines, seasons, dietary styles, courses and more. These recipes ought to make your everyday and special occasion dishes ever more interesting, more flavorful and all the more loveable while keeping you and your family healthier.Â
Healthy food doesn’t necessarily mean that they are bland or tasteless or uninteresting. But it certainly means that a lot of thought, care and consideration has gone into its making when compared to foods that are otherwise. All this care and consideration begins right in the recipe and you can find loads and loads of recipes and a lot of information about the ingredients here on Sublime Flavors.Â
All the recipes found here are variations of chosen recipes from every part of the world, pertaining to different cuisines, suitable for different dietary requirements, recipes for different seasons, recipes for quick cooking or for special occasions, and so on. Some of the ways you can search for recipes here include searching by the ingredient, or season or cuisine or the dietary requirement and more. A lot of care and research has gone into collecting this information
The nutrients information is from a nutrient database that is dedicated to provide real time nutrition data services and value added solutions to health, wellness and food organisations. Although we do rely on their well structured and researched data, we always recommend that you consult a professional nutritionist for your personal requirements along with the nutrition data provided on the recipes.Â
Hang around and discover some smackingly great flavors for you and your family..!